Multipass [] is not a Hypervisor, it is a tool to quickly and easily start a fresh V.M.s (Virtual Machines) in just one click using the Native hypervisor of the O.S. (Operations System).

Find out more in this post [Snap vs Docker vs Multipass]

Installation process:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install multipass --classic

Look for the available images:

sudo multipass find

Multipass only has images of pre-installed Ubuntu versions.

To launch (download + run) ‘core18‘ and give the name ‘ftp-server‘:

sudo multipass launch core18 --name ftp-server

If you do not specify the version it will get the latest LTS:

sudo multipass launch --name ubuntu-lts

Listing the available V.M.s:

sudo multipass list

Executing the command ‘lsb_release -a‘ inside the V.M. ‘ubuntu-lts‘:

sudo multipass exec ubuntu-lts -- lsb_release -a

This is how to stop one or more V.M.s, followed by starting only one again:

sudo multipass stop ubuntu-lts ftp-server
sudo multipass start ubuntu-lts

Starting takes a long time because the V.M. is being booted as a real computer.

Be sure you stop before deleting one or more V.M.s (‘ubuntu-lts’):

sudo multipass stop ubuntu-lts
sudo multipass delete ubuntu-lts ftp-server

Even after deleting it still showing in the list:

sudo multipass list

To clean from the history issue the command:

sudo multipass purge

List again and nothing will be showing

sudo multipass list

Use ‘help’ to get more information about available commands or one specific command syntax:

multipass help
multipass help launch

If you decide to remove Multipass from your computer issue:

sudo snap remove multipass

Good luck with your projects!